Physics is law, physics is love, physics is physical. SCIE NCE TIFIK INS PRTN & BCK GRND
Physics is law, physics is love, physics is physical. SCIE NCE TIFIK INS PRTN & BCK GRND
Hail to all those who are able to see unseen, to understand unfathomable, to predict unpredictable. Hail to reason. SCIE NCE TIFIK INS PRTN & BCK GRND
No light – no life, no love, no universe, no fun. SCIE NCE TIFIK INS PRTN & BCK GRND
Nice to hear your oncoming voice, your breath, your smile, your fading steps. SCIE NCE TIFIK INS PRTN & BCK GRND
Sometimes I like what I don’t understand too much. I don’t understand at all what I like. SCIE NCE TIFIK INS PRTN & BCK GRND
The most distant thing that you see doesn’t always mean it’s the most distant thing out there. SCIE NCE TIFIK INS PRTN & BCK GRND