Portrait of Petr Havlena – Cryptoartik#09
Portrait of the inventor and producer of unique healthy chairs.
Portrait of the inventor and producer of unique healthy chairs.
Sometimes I like what I don’t understand too much. I don’t understand at all what I like. SCIE NCE TIFIK INS PRTN & BCK GRND
Is that so difficult to answer?
Double portrait of two brothers with personal message for their mom.
No light – no life, no love, no universe, no fun. SCIE NCE TIFIK INS PRTN & BCK GRND
The most distant thing that you see doesn’t always mean it’s the most distant thing out there. SCIE NCE TIFIK INS PRTN & BCK GRND
Goverments have lied to us. Science has lied to us. Parents have lied to us, as well as other relatives, teachers and rotten liberal media. Elvis hasn’t died. His pills has made him divine immortal. His resurrection came after 1784 days. Now he orbits Mars with his fans from 17th dimension. Till the end of…